With regards to what I've been working on at the moment, we've just started the next section on Advanced Techniques. This time around its lighting and compositing, not exactly my forte as I haven't done it before, but it should be interesting and fun anyway.
First stop was to light a scene with three balls, using only standard lights. Which sounds simple but then we needed one chrome/metallic/reflective ball, one glass/refractive ball and one self-illuminating glowing ball. Also a red and a blue wall on either side which we'd need to simulate the reflected light from, as with standard lights we had no Global Illumination or Final Gather to play with. I think my attempt turned out fairly well, but I'm pretty sure I overdid some of the lighting a little. Need to work on my subtlety...
Other than that we have to do a studio light setup for our hand model, then the tricky part is two composite shots. Both live action camera shots, with an object realistically lit, placed and textured so it blends in as seamlessly as possible. Still keeping up with drawing a fair bit, but I'm not going to throw loads of images up any more as it wastes a lot of space really. So yeah, between this, that and a couple of other bits and bobs, I've been kept pretty busy recently.
Hopefully I'll update vaguely on time next time...
(also please excuse the terrible pun in the post title)